HerbalWyse Level 1 - 80 course hours - Cost $500-$550 (Sliding Scale)
HerbalWyse Level 1 meets 4 weekends (Sat & Sunday)from May to July at the Hattie Carthan herb farm .
HerbalWyse Level 1 is a hands-on course, half of our time is spent outside identifying and working with herbs whilst the rest is spent developing our abilities to listen to plants. Working with a number of techniques such as meditation, journeying with drum, plant spirit and group tastings, we learn how to open ourselves to a deep understanding of the action of plants on our body and consciousness.
Participants will study the major diseases afflicting humans in the modern world and trace their root causes. During this course, the group will establish a deep understanding of why the herbal kingdom has evolved alonside of humans and animals and why herbalism should be included in any plans for sustainable community and food justice conversations.
Participants will study around 20 plants and delve into the basics of :
Healing as living our soul truth
The body, organs, physiological functions as relates to our emotional and spiritual landscape.
Allopathic healing vs addressing the condition at its cause
Self healing and personal care as a planetary responsibility
How and why herbs work
Bioenergetics (such as the meridian system and chakra system)
Wellness and disease will be addressed from a holistic perspective, taking into account the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of each person
Anticipated Outcomes:
To positively identify at least 20 medicinal plants growing locally, work with an herb from seedling to harvesting stage in order to become familiar with their season, method of harvest.
To develop your own intuition
Be competent in basic emergency medicine preparations including decoctions, tinctures, infused oils, poultices
To have a grounding in assessing the structure and function of the body and an understanding of the human energy field.
To be aware of contraindications for using herbs
To gain a basic understanding of various vibrational disturbances in the individual life force field and how to rebalance disturbances through the use of color therapy.
To build a close relationship with up to 5 plants, based on individual exploration, journeying and research. In doing so:
Develop centredness and improve ability to differentiate reaction and response
Develop awareness of the third eye and how to open it
To feel confident in developing a relationship with a plant and seeing plants as intelligent life.
Introduction to dream-time, imaginative journeying and shamanic journeying with a drum, familarity with the role and importance of ritual and intention.